Have you ever heard anyone rubbish the Christian Faith?
Mock that it’s a whole lot of hot air?
Or maybe you are the one who has made these claims.
Then Evidence for the Christian Faith is for you. It’s easy to read. The teaching was originally given to 14 year olds.
Not everyone is called to be a missionary in the Amazon.
Everyone, however, is called to be a missionary.
If you are a Christian, you are a missionary.
What do I mean?
Well, the word “missionary” is derived from the Latin word for “send”. Jesus was sent by the Father. “I have not even come on my own initiative, but He sent Me.” (John8:42b NASB) And He tells us that “... as the Father has sent Me, I also send you...” (John 20:21b NASB). So wherever we are, we are missionaries.
This book is the memoir of a missionary, not amongst primitive tribes, but amongst increasingly sophisticated teenagers. Unexpectedly overwhelmed by the intervention of a gracious God as a 34 year old schoolmaster, I began a journey that still has not ended.
So what is the aim of this memoir? Amongst other things, it is ...
“The style of Surprised By Grace is excellent and the story lived, drawing the reader into this powerful testimony of grace.”
Dr Stephan Vosloo
“Michael Arnold’s accessible but stimulating apologetic work, Evidence for the Christian Faith, shows compelling biblical evidence for Jesus as the Christ of God and the bearer of Salvation by Grace.”
Melt van der Spuy
“Evidence for the Christian Faith is clearly written and closely argued … eloquent in its simplicity, impressive in the wide range of scholarship it covers, and powerfully persuasive in the conclusion to which the reader is led….”
Paul Walters
“The Forgotten Feast is a timely, bold and pointed reminder to Christians that our identity is not in the Law but in Christ and the grace of the New Covenant.”
Jack Carstens
“What a blessing to meet the man and to read the book! I enjoyed The Forgotten Feast so much. It is easy to read and is a testimony of God’s Grace. Michael’s personal testimony underlines everything that he writes about so well.”
Gerhard Barnard
“The Forgotten Feast has caused me to re-evaluate the core business of my ministry as a disciple of Christ.”
The Rt. Rev. Steve Moreo
“Over many years I have personally seen how Michael’s clear teaching on the New Covenant has helped many people find a living relationship with Jesus and helped many more to be liberated from the subtle pull of legalism. I have no doubt that many believers will find The Forgotten Feast to be the most important Christian book they ever read.”
Jamie Finlay
“The Forgotten Feast is a sheer delight from cover to cover…. a systematic Bible-study … applicable, foundational and going somewhere. One of the reads of the year for me. It has made me rethink the emphasis and shape of my own teaching.”
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip Le Feuvre
“Accessible to all, The Forgotten Feast offers new insights into old truths…. A powerful exposition of Grace and Covenant and the place of the Law in the light of a neglected feast.”
Melt van der Spuy

Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts
One intriguing way of receiving guidance I heard as a very young Christian. It was at a camp, and the speaker...
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