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Questions of Faith

More Faith?

I have the privilege of training a group of teenagers to lead their own cells, and we meet once a week...

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Eyes on the Lord

So what answer did you come up with? You remember that in my last post I asked the question, “Why did...

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Magnifying God

Jehoshaphat is an amazing example of a man who kept his eyes on God. Threatened by hordes of invaders, he acknowledged...

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The Rest of Faith

I had a very dramatic conversion, an encounter with Jesus that changed the direction of my life. He healed me of...

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The Gift of Faith

One of the gifts of the Spirit, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8, is the gift of faith. In my understanding this...

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Hebrews 11:1

The great chapter on faith in the Bible is Hebrews 11. I have always found the first verse difficult to understand....

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The Mustard Seed

Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It’s an absolute speck! What has this got to do with faith? Quite a...

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